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Digital Workplace Design: Transforming for High Performance
This content is a chapter in a book called Work, Working and Work Relationships in a Changing World. The digital workplace can serve as an important strategic asset for dealing with organizational complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Unfortunately, the discourse on its successful design is difficult to grasp due to the large number of disciplines and theories involved. In this chapter, we therefore draw on a series of qualitative interviews with 63 executives at 27 large global organizations to develop a framework that outlines various design and management elements of the digital workplace. Subsequently, we quantitatively explore how these elements combine and relate to organizational performance. These two contributions are ultimately discussed in relation to prior literature.
About the Authors
Founded in 1974 and grounded in MIT's tradition of combining academic knowledge and practical purpose, MIT CISR helps executives meet the challenge of leading increasingly digital and data-driven organizations. We work directly with digital leaders, executives, and boards to develop our insights. Our consortium forms a global community that comprises more than seventy-five organizations.
MIT CISR Associate Members
MIT CISR wishes to thank all of our associate members for their support and contributions.